Thursday, September 15, 2011

It is Raining Today

My cats enjoy waking me up. Not at 6 or 7 am, when the world is awake, but I get to watch the sun rise! Can you believe 4 am was the start of my day! I love to stay up all night reading books, playing on the computer games, or just moving the house around. Let me explain, I feel the only way to clean a house is to move everything! Why move the bed just to put it back in the same spot? While you’re at it, why leave it in the same room? This way the floor can dry from being washed! No one else in my family feels this way. Moving the bedrooms from room to room while the kids are sleeping only makes them wake up lost, but they do get up to see where they are today! And their new room is clean! But we are not talking about little feet, I wanted to walk and it is raining outside so I had to wait for a store to open, I did walk 2.30 mile! But I did spend money on things I do not need, I just put things in a cart that looked good! Next time I’ll leave my wallet at home. And eat before I go out. I stopped at a food store on the way home I have no idea where to put all the food! I should think before I act! But then again I wouldn’t be me!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sam, the big blue monkey

I am so mean, I have an animal that makes noise, and I put it in the cats’ cage. Closed the door and told it to stay in the cage and be good! My dogs are walking from room to room looking at it. This big blue monkey (Sam) with his hands outside trying to reach freedom, legs resting on the cold wooden floor. As the dog nears Sam it cries out, you should see this, the dogs wants to help Sam get out of the cage, but as their mouth touch the monkey Sam yells a loud scream, the dogs run from the room watching me watch them! Each attempt only last until it cries out in pain, I tell the dogs “NO, hurt Sam!” and pat the blue monkey telling him he has to stay in the cage. These dogs are confused, or think I’m crazy!

Walking today?

Let me sleep!
Is has been only three months, but I want to add extra miles on just in case of bad weather. I do not want to worry like I did for reading the books! But I just can’t leave the computer today. Last night I was up until 5 am trying to beat a game, first thing this afternoon I’m back on the game. Who gets to sleep all day, then play computer games? The only animals here working are the dogs barking out the window. Good thing this is the weekend! The dirty dishes are taken over the kitchen; the broom has gone on strike and the laundry in the dryer is on Vacation!

Friday, September 9, 2011


1st I week I walked 14.19 miles.
2nd   week I walked 16.72 miles.
3rd   week I walked 13.3 miles.
4th   week I walked 12.82 miles.
5th   week I walked 21.83 miles.
6th   week I walked 17.11 miles.
7th   week I walked 28.64 miles. I went camping this week.
     I had to walk to the bathroom. Maybe I should get an outhouse at home!
8th   week I walked 15.56 miles.
9th   week I walked   6.86 miles.  I missed placed my meter. Lost a lot of miles this week.
10th week I walked   9.96 miles. How can I count my miles in the water?
     If I walk in swimming pool shouldn't that count too?
11th week I walked  17.36 miles
12th week I walked  16.37 miles
13th I week I walked   13.58 miles.
14th I week I walked  14.48  miles.
15th I week I walked  18.13 miles.
16th I week I walked  20.80 miles.
17th  I week I walked 14.48 miles.
18th I week I walked 15.62  miles.
19th I week I walked  17.06 miles.
20th I week I walked  13.52 miles.
21st I week I walked   9.89 miles.
22nd I week I walked  24.17 miles.
 23rd I week I walked  16.06 miles.
 24th week I walked  15.87 miles
25th I week I walked 18.38 miles.
26th I week I walked 14.75  miles.
27th I week I walked  3.88 miles.
28th I week I walked  15.18 miles.
29th  I week I walked  5.12 miles.
30th I week I walked 19.52  miles.
31th I week I walked  9.07 miles.
32nd I week I walked 18.85 miles.
33rd I week I walked  8.58 miles.
34th I week I walked 5.32 miles.
35th I week I walked  8.51 miles.
36th I week I walked 7.59  miles.
37th I week I walked  7.28  miles.
38th  week 8.89 miles I walked in three days!

Total of  560.38 miles I have walked and only -1.29  miles  left to go!

I Did it!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Birthday Challenge

On my 52nd birthday I took a challenge to read 52 books. By my birthday, I had completed the challenge. I started out reading one book a night, but without my sleep, life became hard! I tried one book a week, sounded good, only who wants to read when you can swim?In the fall, I was busy with yard work. next thing I knew it was spring and I still needed to read twenty more books! I had to say no to going out to movies, eating out, even missing a play or two. I read all day and half the night, I was down to one week with three books to go. I put my life on hold but eventually I made my deadline!

So for my 53rd birthday I took a new challenge to walk 540 miles. I have a plan to walk 11.5 miles a week. It just can't rain or snow for one year!Can this be done? I hope this does not kill me! Spending my life in bed reading, and now I'm marathon walking.